Application Development and implementation

Applying spectroscopic procedures instead of conventional wet chemistry or instrumental methods for quality control is a global and logical trend. The main reason is their cost effectiveness and speed of analyses. The result is available within seconds compared to minutes or even hours for conventional techniques. Applying spectroscopic procedures does not require any sample preparation thus eliminating hazardous chemicals and saving on expensive lab space. All this fit perfectly within the principles of Green Analytical Chemistry. Nevertheless, implementing robust spectroscopic procedures requires a combination of expertise and remains therefor challenging. has over 20 years of experience in quality control and utilizes a 6-step-approach to create a validated spectroscopic procedure for you.

figure 1

Initial Project Discussion

Analytes, concentration ranges, success criteria, instrument, sampling frequency…?
Expectations are defined and a proof of concept is initiated.

Design of Calibration

The Calibration Design takes into account the analytes and possible interferents.
An independent Validation Design for proving the robustness of the Calibration.

Model Development

State-of-the-art chemometrics extract relevant information while reducing the effect of interferents and noise.
Statistical techniques assist selection of the best predictive models.

Independent Validation

The robustness of the model is confirmed against the independent validation set.
The predicted results are used to verify accuracy and precision versus the agreed success criteria.

Model Development

A tailored, stress-free Graphical User Interface confirms the instrument is healthy and the measurement can be 100% trusted.

Model Maintenance

Critical for the long time robustness of the model since unexpected changes in raw materials or an instrument breakdown will occur. offers a maintenance service that ensures the model is updated with minimal downtime.